INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF NEW MEDIA FROM THE PAST TO THE FUTURE * All the anwwers are required. The First Author's Name and Surname The First Author's Organization The First Author's e-mail (required) The First Author's Telephone Number (required) ex: +90 532 553 52 56 The first author's title* At a minimum phd degree is required. —Please choose an option—ProfessorAssoc. ProfessorAsst. ProfessorDr.Research Asst.Instructor Number of authors Choose (1……-10) Co-author's information Please write your co-author's contact information below. (E-mail, telephone number, title and organization) Title (required) Please choose a category for your abstract —Please choose an option—New MediaInteractive DocumentarySocial MediaVirtual Reality Abstract (Please upload or write your abstract max 300 words (chracter without blank 1.873, chracter with blank 2.173) as in WORD format. An ideal abstract should include a problem, a method and some findings with 3 keywords.)